Nepal American Center

Children’s School

Date October 6, 2021 Admin by

Children’s School

As our children grow, they learn the values and traditions of American culture and society. However, they need to learn Nepali culture and value as well to keep their heritage, identity and of course to learn the value system Nepali culture offers.

Nepal is a country rich in its heritage, culture and tradition. A knowledge of Nepali culture and values enriches their identification as Nepali-American. It is the responsibility of parents and adults to create an opportunity for them to see and learn. Both activities at home and various social, religious, cultural and other programs organized by NAC offer them glimpses of the value of our traditions. It is never enough and more programs to help them see, participate and learn are necessary. Understanding this fact, NAC started Nepali Language School from October 2011. Children participate in this program, which consists of prayer as done in Nepal, learn to read and write Nepali, story readings, cultural discussions, etc. Children attending this program are encouraged to write for the Chicago Chautari Times newsletter. Currently, the active group of Nepali women in Chicago identified themselves as Lali Gurans are undertaking this responsibility and NAC extends necessary support for it.

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