Nepal American Center

Nepal Fest 2023 : Embracing diversity and Showing Multi-culturalism

Date February 28, 2024 Admin by Ankur Sharma

Financial Update

Pictures and Videos

Our Winners

Our Volunteers


Dear Valued Visitors and Multicultural Enthusiasts,

As the curtains close on the extraordinary celebration of Nepal Fest – our multicultural extravaganza, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible journey we shared together. With hearts filled with joy and appreciation, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for making this event an unforgettable experience.

Nepal Fest transcended boundaries and united us in the spirit of cultural exchange. The vibrant colors, mesmerizing performances, delectable cuisines, and immersive workshops showcased the rich tapestry of cultures from across the globe. It was a true celebration of diversity and an opportunity to cherish the unique heritage of Nepal and beyond.

Number of Participants and Two-Day Event:

Nepal Fest was not just a one-day event; it was an extraordinary two-day celebration that etched itself in the history of the Nepali community. We are thrilled to share that the event witnessed an overwhelming response, with the participation of close to 5000 multicultural enthusiasts. This remarkable turnout reflects the eagerness of individuals from all walks of life to come together and revel in the diverse cultural tapestry that adorned Nepal Fest.

Unprecedented 16-Hour Entertainment Lineup:

Never before had the Nepali community experienced an entertainment lineup as immersive and extensive as the one presented at Nepal Fest. For 16 exhilarating hours spread across two unforgettable days, the festival resonated with laughter, cheer, and moments of sheer brilliance. From captivating cultural performances to live music that stirred the soul, every minute of the event was a testament to the power of unity and celebration of cultural heritage.

Sports Activities:

In addition to the cultural splendor, Nepal Fest offered an exhilarating array of sports activities that brought out the spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie. Sports enthusiasts had a blast engaging in a variety of activities, including soccer, pingpong, volleyball, golf, tennis, walking, and biking. From spirited soccer matches that united teams from various backgrounds to intense pingpong battles that showcased precision and skill, the sports arena buzzed with excitement and teamwork. Our friendly volleyball and tennis matches created lasting memories of fun and unity as participants came together, regardless of cultural backgrounds, to enjoy the love of sports.

Financial Update:

We are delighted to share that Nepal Fest – a multicultural fest – not only brought smiles to our faces but also served as a platform for giving back to the community. Thanks to your generous support and contributions, we were able to successfully conduct this event, bringing communities together and supporting our partner organizations; Samaanta Foundation, Asha Nepal as well as other community initiatives. Together, we have made a positive impact and empowered those in need.

Though it is still unclear about our true financial picture, due to some pending invoices from the village, we will post the entire report in our financial page, once those become available. Please stay tuned.

Pictures and Videos:

As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” we invite you to relive the magical moments of Nepal Fest through a captivating gallery of photos and videos that captures the essence of our multicultural celebration. Visit our website’s gallery section to browse through the visual highlights that showcase the laughter, dances, and cultural richness that filled the air during the event.


A special shout-out and heartfelt appreciation go to our amazing team of volunteers. Your dedication, hard work, and selfless efforts were the driving force behind the success of Nepal Fest. Your commitment to creating a seamless and enriching experience for all attendees truly made a difference. Without your unwavering support, this event would not have been possible. Thank you for embodying the spirit of service and contributing your time and skills to make this event shine. Please check out our volunteer page with the list of our awesome volunteers.

Winners’ Information:

Our warmest congratulations go out to all the winners of the various contests, raffles and competitions held during Nepal Fest. Your talent and creativity dazzled us, and we commend you for bringing your best to the stage. To view the list of winners and their outstanding contributions, please visit our website’s winners page.

But most importantly, we want to thank our amazing audience – YOU! Your presence, enthusiasm, and support are what made Nepal Fest a resounding triumph. The warmth of your participation and the connections forged during the festivities embody the essence of unity in diversity.

Nepal Fest – a multicultural fest – has rekindled our commitment to fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation for cultures from around the world. It has been an enriching experience for us all, as we learned from one another, celebrated our differences, and discovered the shared threads that bind us as global citizens.

As we conclude this unforgettable chapter, we invite you to carry the spirit of Nepal Fest with you in your hearts. Let it inspire you to embrace cultural diversity, spread kindness, and promote inclusivity in your daily lives.

We will continue to work tirelessly to bring you more such enriching experiences in the future. Stay connected with us for updates on upcoming events and initiatives.

Once again, thank you for being a part of Nepal Fest – a multicultural fest. Your presence made all the difference, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more celebrations of unity and cultural brilliance.

With profound gratitude and warm regards,

The Nepal Fest Organizing Team

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